
Showing posts from March, 2017

Oh, Baby Jesus!- A Zany Look at Matthew Chapter 1

So today I decided to look into the book of Matthew. I started from the beginning and found that list leading down from Abraham through King David all the way down through Jesus. Why is this gobbledygook important? Well, people were expecting the messiah to come from David's family line, and they got just that. In fact, we have this list as evidence! It may seem like unnecessary paperwork now, but back then, that was a big deal! "Mary? That's a good idea!" "WHAT? No! Not a good idea! Bad!" The writer segwayed it nicely into how the shebang went down. So Joseph saw this pretty 'lil lady named Mary, and Joseph thought "Mary? That's a good idea!" So they were going to have a wedding and everything would be hunky-dory! But uh-oh, mary was pregnant that wasn't good for Joseph's image to get married to a girl if she was already pregnant! (Imagine how awkward that would be! People be asking "y'all already going at it?...