Name Questions
Q: Why "Prayor Amoeba"?A: Sometimes christian group leaders will ask their groups to get into a "prayer circle", which is where they would hold hands in a circle and say a prayer. How, due to numerous possible complications, the "circle" might end up more like a different shape, forming a "prayer hotdog", "prayer football" or a "prayer amoeba".
Q: Why is "Prayor" spelled with an O not an E in the title?
A: I spelled "prayor" with an "o" instead of on "e" because by the time realized I spelled it incorrectly, I had already made it my main screenname on my newly created user accounts.
Q: Why "The Mitochondria"?
A: I called the blog "The Mitochondria" because I just liked how the word sounded and I thought it went well with the amoeba thing.
Faith Questions
Q: Why do you believe in Jesus/God/The Bible?A: I believe because God made me a better, wiser, happier, and more social person. When I was in elementary school and I had lots of trouble socializing with my peers. Because of this, I tried homeschooling for a while, but I wasn't satisfied with the results, and I wanted to do better and challenge myself. Through all of this I believed in Jesus and The Bible, but I was inactive in my faith and was quite isolated from others.
I was very unhappy this way. When I was baptized and soon after went with my church's youth group on a mission trip to West Virginia, my life changed to a life of faith, worship, and serving God.
In my third year of highschool I tried going back to the public school system. It was extremely difficult, but God alone gave me the ability to get through, and to this day continue to get through many of the challenges that the devil had set up against me that I was formerly sheltered from.
I can't thank God enough for not only giving me the very best teachers, but also a still growing determination to do my best in school as well as a willingness to understand. God gave me a wisdom to deal with difficult situations that I would break down in anxiety without.
Q: Why should I believe in Jesus/God/The Bible?
A: If I am going to be frank, you will have to find your own personal reason, however God says that if you seek Him you will find Him. Try getting involved in different churches, and God will guide you to find just the right one. Don't get discouraged, it took me a few tries. Some churches are "successful" because of money or devout self-denial, but be careful because those aren't right for a lot of people. Churches are truly successful because the love of God and his people is thriving there, and it would be a shame for you to miss out. Talk to a pastor about learning about being a christian.
Basic Bible Questions
Q: Where can I find the stories of Jesus?
A: The first 4 books of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The books have mostly the same stories but are written from different perspectives.
Q: Does God/Jesus really love me?
A: Yes. God loves you, me and everyone.
Q: What version of The Bible should I use?
A: My person preference is NLT, but NIV or other modern English versions are fine. Old versions such as King James Version may be hard to read, especially for beginners. I don't think any widely accepted version of The Bible is inferior to another.
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